Evaluate a Community Plan

Once you have completed your Preliminary Steps, begin your application by assessing each SCI objective on a step-by-step basis. Within each objective are a number of indicator and development target pairs that are collectively assessed to measure progress towards the objective. For each objective you want to assess, you must complete the following steps:

  • List SCI Element, Objective and associated Indicators and Development Targets

  • Step 1: Record and assess SCI indicator data

  • Step 2a: State Plan/Project Facts

  • Step 2b: Evaluate Plan/Project against SCI indicator data and development targets

  • Step 3: Identify or develop concrete and specific recommendations for plan/project improvements

  • Summarize findings

List SCI Element, Objective and associated Indicators and Development Targets (top)

List the Element and Objective you are going to analyze in this step. As Indicators are grouped together by an Objective, analyzing all Indicators associated with an Objective collectively helps provide a broader picture of how a plan or project performs against a vision for healthy development.

Each Indicator in the SCI is generally paired with a Development Target that can improve the Objective. List these Indicator and Development Target pairs below. This step should be repeated for every Objective that you analyze. In some instances, there is no Development Target to assess the Indicator. Please state this.

All Elements, Objectives, Indicators and Development Targets are available through the website.

>For an example, please click here.

Step 1: Does a place have healthy living and working conditions? (top)

Record and assess SCI Indicator data

The SCI website provides San Francisco data for the majority of Indicators. Indicators data can include maps, figures, tables, and statistics. In addition, the SCI lists the Indicator data source, and provides an explanation as well as describes data limitations. It is important to note that the definition of “neighborhood” boundaries vary from Indicator to Indicator depending upon available data. Caution is therefore advised in making direct comparisons between Indicators if they are on a different geographic scale – i.e., one is at zip code level, one is at neighborhood planning district level, and one is census tract level.

 In this step, you should:

  1. Record and discuss the quantitative data provided for each Indicator in your Objective. Discuss:
    1. neighborhood level statistics, if available
    2. comparison between neighborhood statistics and citywide statistics, if available
    3. citywide statistics, if available
  2. Discuss limitations to each Indicator’s data (e.g., accessibility does not equal geographic proximity, zipcode does not equal neighborhood). Incorporate (e.g., copy and paste)   relevant explanation and limitations information directly from the Indicator page into this step. Qualify or expand on the SCI Indicators/data using qualitative observations about the neighborhood, plan, or project (e.g., while the map may show proximity to a park, you have to go up a steep hill to access). Your site visit / assessment will provide the type of info needed to make these qualitative statements and qualifications.
  3. Based on your judgment, provide any additional quantitative or qualitative data that you may have discovered and is related to your Objective (e.g., data that are not part of the    SCI but are related to the topic). Include any additional data sources (e.g., relevant quotes from interviews, news articles, policies) that may directly affect the Objective and   its Indicators (e.g., November 2006 passage of bond will provide funding for X).

>For an example, please click here.

Step 2: Does a plan or project advance health-related conditions? (top)

A. State Plan/Project Facts

Using the official plan/project documents for the plan/project you are reviewing, state all, if any, plan/project Elements, Objectives/Goals, Policies and Implementing Actions, Design Features, Impacts, and Mitigations that relate to the SCI Objective. Use quotes and/or page references. State if none are included. State if there is an Objective/Goal with no policy. State if there is a Policy with no Implementing Action. For example:

>For an example, please click here.

Step 2: Does a plan or project advance health-related conditions? (top)

B. Evaluate Plan/Project against SCI Indicator data (baseline community health conditions) and Development Targets.

Given your analysis of the Indicators (step 1) and the stated Plan/Project Facts (step 2a), assess how/whether the Plan or Project will affect (e.g., positively/negatively) the SCI Objective you are analyzing.

SCI Indicator data assessment (baseline community health conditions)

This requires a review of whether the Plan/Project Policies and Implementing Actions seem likely to meet or support the stated Goals/Objectives in the Plan/Project. For example:

SCI Development Target assessment

Describe clearly (e.g., bold) in 1-2 sentences whether the SCI benchmark Development Targets in your SCI Objective are met via the baseline SCI Indicator data and/or the Plan Facts. Does the proposed Plan help or hinder the area’s status with respect to this Development Target? If no Development Target is included in the SCI, state not applicable.

>For an example, please click here.

Step 3: What recommendations for planning policies, implementing actions, or project design would advance community health objectives? (top)

Identify or develop concrete and specific recommendations for plan/project improvements.

Identify, what, if any, changes (e.g., policies, implementing actions) could be incorporated into the Plan or to the development process to achieve the SCI Development Targets and/or improve the SCI Objective?

For example:

Often, the Development Target itself can be a policy recommendation. If possible or relevant, also identify responsible agency/body (e.g., developer, Recreation and Parks Department) that could implement the improvement. If you have ideas about how to collect additional information on the issues, describe here.

>For an example, please click here.

Summarize Findings (top)

Clearly and succinctly summarize your findings, by answering the following:

  1. Does a place have healthy living and working conditions?
  2. Does a plan or project advance health-related conditions?
  3. What policies, implementing actions and/or design recommendations would advance community health objectives?

>For an example, please click here.